In my 17 years of water treatment experience, 12 of those years have been dedicated to introducing a safer, more sustainable, alternative to traditional hazardous liquid water treatment. I wanted to create a company that employs people, partners and vendors with the same passion to make a difference. I started my career with Calgon back when the industry only had 6 water treatment companies, the “six pack”. Now there are hundreds of water treatment companies. Through my many years of experience in the field and manufacturing, I have had the unique ability to work with almost 200 water treatment service providers. Blue Ocean will now use that experience to partner with the best of the best. Our service providers are early adopters of solid water treatment and more importantly are extremely competent at what they do. Not only are they experts and understand Blue Ocean’s safer and more sustainable products but they will help the end-user with legionella testing, legionella planning and water management plans, equipment, testing procedures, reporting, and innovative approaches.ck when there were only 6 water treatment companies. The six pack. Now there are 100s of water treatment companies. 

We all want the same outcome: Improve sustainability, have a priority on health and safety, increase processing efficiency, extend profitability, reduce water and energy use, extend the life of the equipment, and reduce downtime/maintenance.

Although only 1–2% of a facilities budget is dedicated to water treatment, our partners are protecting millions of dollars of equipment. For example, a 250,000 square foot facility (on average) has about 3 million dollars of equipment to protect and by partnering with the right service provider this equipment will last 30 years. Water efficiency programs in that same size facility can reduce annual water, energy, chemical and sewer expenses by as much as 25-35%.

That was why I founded Blue Ocean. I know I can make a difference with this product—creating safer work environments and protecting our planet. Blue Ocean is committed to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We will make a difference partnering with responsible water treatment companies and educating end-users that there is an alternative that will protect their employees and make a positive difference in climate change.

Marc Beller, Blue Ocean founder, who started Blue Ocean to make a difference with a safer and more sustainable water treatment option.

Call me anytime,
Marc Beller

President and Founder
(419) 367-3502

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