Global Impact

More and more ESG (environmental, social, and governance) initiatives are being taken by companies across the country each day, and facility managers should take note of this! In fact, studies have shown that 73% of millennial consumers a major consumer group— are willing to spend more on products and services if they come from sustainable brands. As a facility manager, companies will want to make sure they are reaching this market even through the building they operate in. How can Blue Ocean Solids help you become more sustainable?

For starters, emissions are reduced when using our concentrates. It takes  times more fossil fuel to deliver a 550 lb. liquid drum compared to our product equivalent of Blue Ocean — a 44 lb. case. This is a 60% fossil fuel savings! In addition, Blue Ocean packaging replaces that standard liquid chemical container with a 100% recyclable solution. Our #2 plastic bottles, as well as our corrugated shipping boxes, can be placed in with traditional recycling collections. That equals zero contributions to landfills! The water savings are drastic. Because you do not need to triple rinse Blue Ocean containers, 42 gallons of water are saved for each liquid drum at your facility. That is approximately 2,423 gallons of water saved each year at a medium sized university! 

It’s time to make the switch, for your facility and for the planet. Go Blue Ocean Solids!

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